had a scare today
e1 told me my blog's inaccessible and
probably hacked into!
darn it, i thought
just the other day i was just thinking to myself
i should pdf-print my blog, just in case
then murphy's law struck, & it really happened lor
thankfully after i posted my predicament on the blogspot forum
the administrator addressed my query almost within the hour
somehow, someone, had entered a post,
in the post there was this url (that my blog kept getting redirected to)
so all i had to do was to delete that post.
come to think of it, i'd better change my password now.
now that all my memories are intact, i did a pdf-print immediately
for those who keep a blog, do do it!
icky feeling to lose your entire blog
years of memory loss is quite painful
aside, the wednesday that just passed
marked the day i embarked on another phase in life and stage in work -
to try to reprioritise and take stock of my life
and not neglect my love ones, friends, and my Sweaty heart
before it's too late
6 hours ago
hey woman, i was just about to tell you that! everytime i tried to read your blog it kept getting directed to some japanhealthcare site haha. thanks for the reminder, think i shall pdf my blog too.
what new milestone at work!?! tell me next time we meet up!! hope it's a positive change!
Hey wy!
Am clearing whatever annual leave I have and working 2.5dayd per week until June.
When e annual leave runs out, will take no pay leave.
Then decide what to do next. :)
Hopefully it's for e better la
wow! that sounds super good!!! 2.5d a wk is good to clear up all the remaining sinaran issues and slowly reduce their reliance on you. if you stop immediately they will have separation anxiety haha. yay then you can join us for our teas from june onwards!!!
haa i'd love to join u mummies for tea now! i work on tue, wed and half of thur. so i'm available on the other weekdays for now ;)
can't wait to try the nice coffee place near your hm
ok i'll let you know the next time we meet for tea! supposed to have one today actually but ML having food poisoning & LY is having a tough time with Oli teething. so postpone to another time. LA's first birthday coming up - 21st april!!! i day after yours!
ooh yeah the coffee place is good but can get quite crowded on weekends. weekdays are nice. pp reading or surfing net while drinking coffee.
i'm free till 17 May! starting new job on 18 May!
we can meet for afternoon brunch and/or midday beers (happy hour leh!) :)
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